With the Blessing of Patriarch Kirill

    With the Blessing of Patriarch Kirill

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

Sounds strike together.  Sirens send their screams

To shrill their way beside, around and through

The mothers and their children in the streams

Of missiles cutting downward through the blue

Screech sky of Kyiv.  These slice and batter brain

And flesh with flash and shrapnel.  One dove

Swoops, squawks away in horror.  Russia’s rain

Of terror reigns in autocratic love

Above what were the patients’ clinic beds.

The children will not have to worry now

About their cancer.  Crushed in, mincemeat heads

Fulfil the Kremlin’s sacrilegious vow.

  The discord makes a harmony of sorts.

    A mother holds one child and then aborts.

Phillip Whidden