What Your Shirt Says about You

What Your Shirt Says about You

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

Your shirt says that you stink inside its pits.

The cut may be as classy as a new

Prince undisturbed by later teenage zits,

Or whoring round in adult royal stew,

And may be like Jay Gatsby’s pressed, smoothed shirt

From Savile Row, and still may have a stench

Not quite as smelly as a skunk’s sprayed squirt

But bad enough to make bystanders blench.

Your shirt may be as wrinkled after sex

As Charley’s octogenarian’s face

But who will care? You’ve have shot slimy hex

Inside her.  That will be the strange disgrace

And not the rumpled shirtfront.  It will say

The truth about you like a donkey’s bray.

Phillip Whidden