What Movie Stars Can Never Be

What Movie Stars Can Never Be

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

Enchantment is a slavery to stars

Of sweatless screens, the cinema, tv,

Or Netflix, or on smartphones.  Out on Mars

They walk around, and though that’s stupid, we

Watch on.  We know that we are lacking like

Some Sad Sack clown.  An Emmet Kelly springs

To mindless mind.  He rides a pint-sized bike

In circles making hollow laughs.   From strings

The studios are dangling us, puppets

For gods’ amusement.  Movie stars of course

Are gilded marionettes.  They are Muppets

Controlled by magnates giggling above, coarse.

  Both we and stars will never be a flick

    On celluloid.  We’ll never be that slick.

Phillip Whidden