What Matters

                   What Matters

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

Orgasm by ahermin on DeviantArt

He said he loved.  (At least that’s what she thought.)

So much was going on inside her head

That maybe she mistook.  Her mind was fraught

Because so much was going on in bed,

So much his mouth was doing otherwise,

So much his hands were stirring up to own

Her soul, so much the smack of him in eyes,

The smell of him in nose, so much the moan

Of throat inside her ears, the sound of throat

(Was it the throat of him?  The throat of her?),

So much the frenzy, thrashing, final bloat

Of him inside.  It all became a blur.

..He gasped he loved.  At least that’s what she heard.

…….(Perhaps it was some other thing he slurred.)