Walter Gropius and Jetliners . . . Good Neighbors Make Good Venetian Blinds

              Walter Gropius and Jetliners

Good Neighbors Make Good Venetian Blinds

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

That which travels

clouds itself. ~ Lorca, “Corriente”

I learned long, long ago that in a plane

Where smoking was permitted, tar increased

Inside the fuselage, an inner stain

That weighed a huge amount.  This far increased

The weight the wings and engines had so bear.

Some think that travel opens up the mind

But local knowledge has its strengths, a flair

For genius even. Thinking where a blind

To block out sun should be installed, one clue

(The neighbors had) caused planning brain to think

To put it on the outside, thus to strew

The heat away and make the sun’s force shrink.

  Venetian blinds set up on outside frames

    Brought wisdom to the architecture’s aims.

Phillip Whidden