Unkindly Stopped

        Unkindly Stopped

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

A hearse draws up. Though it is black, its team

Of horses is electric lavender.

I know therefore that it has come to scheme

Against me.  I must be the seconder

Of my assassination.  I get in.

I know the target is my genius first,

That I myself don’t matter. No.  The sin

Requiring death is flair of wisdom’s burst

Upon the universe.  This must be squelched.

The equine powers begin their journey to

Oblivion.  Once swallowed I’ll be belched

Out, gone with only poetry as clue.

  The cosmos hates my learning’s strength.  Ruthless

    This trip destroys, aiming for the truthless.

Phillip Whidden