Treats for Tall, Tall Dougie

Treats for Tall, Tall Dougie


He had a wide-faced heart and it was warm

As if it too were wrapped in his thick fur.

When he came running up, it caused a swarm

Of love to swirl around the soul, a blur

Of bright affection, since of course we knew

How welcoming his trot and tall, tall tail

Would be.  This big, big burly boy would woo

Our willing hands with his male mew.  Not frail

That one; no, far from fragile, small.

He only knew a thing or two about

Us, the sounds we made to stretch him . . . tall . . . Tall,

And beacon-like  thick chinned and  paws, paws out.

  Not frail?  Still now he’s gone where there’s no treat,

    This purrsonality so bold and sweet.