Tongues as of Fire

If men desire to find belief, to sing

It out through throats works best to make the soul

Embrace it.  This will make the sought faith zing

Behind their hearts and manliness’s whole.

The faith will throb straight through the tenor throats,

The baritones and basses’ tongues, and play

Up in the tear ducts through the holy notes,

The notes made sacred by the ricochet

Of music through the body and the brain.

The holiness will well up from the lungs

And wash, as in a holy rite, each stain

Of unbelief away with concord’s tongues.

  The counter tenors chime in, too, above

    Conviction like a Pentecostal dove.

Phillip Whidden

This sonnet has also been published in the Journal of the Society of Classical Poets VOLUME 11.