Thrills and Swoon Romantic Novels

Thrills and Swoon Romantic Novels

Your fantasy reaches as far as your hands ~ Lorca,

“Oda a Salvador Dalí” (Ode to Salvador Dalí)


The prophet is a poet.  His experience is one known to the poets. What the poets know as poetic inspiration, the prophets call divine revelation.

~ Abraham Joshua Heschel

How could this Lorca possibly have known

About the worldwide internet, the glands

On vids across it and the porno groan

And lurching thrusts that motivate men’s hands

In every corner, earphones keeping wife

From hearing how her hubby’s daydreams fill

His screens.  Pathetic marriage bedroom strife

Is abrogated as he makes his spill

In tissue paper at his laptop, smile

Too mild a thing replaced by grimace of

The gasping face while she alone can wile

Away her time by reading check-out love.

  The novels there are quite as much obscene

    In falsity as is his porno screen.

Phillip Whidden