Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness

Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness

Sigmund Freud: “There is nothing instinctual in us which responds to a belief in death.”   Freud also says, “This may even be the secret of heroism.”

Our hearts refuse to nod to death.  No, more

Than that, they fail to hear it when it knocks

Against their gates.  One reason we love war

Is this denial.  Purest paradox

Goes gnawing quite unnoticed like a worm

Inside the gut.  We fear our deathless death,

Immortal as it is.  It makes us squirm

When we are forced to face it, but each breath

We take is like a hero’s absolute

Refusal of the bullet as he jumps

Up free from battle trench.  His strong salute

Is towards a heart that pumps, and pumps, and pumps.

..Belief in death is something to be scorned.

…..It whispers destiny to be suborned.