“They began to stretch their necks, extend their wings, open their beaks and gaze at him attentively.”

“They began to stretch their necks, extend their wings, open their beaks and gaze at him attentively.”

~ St. Bonaventure

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

To love one special animal, your pet

For instance, that is Zen, and every faith

In one . . .  and other beasts.  Avoid regret.

Belief without this conjures up a wraith

And atheism.  Know that truth and take

It up.  (You need not write it out in strength

Of poetry.)  If not, the Great Salt Lake,

Its fishless arms, will be the width and length

Of your religion.  Buddhists know this, saints

Like Francis, too.  He preaches to the beaks

Of birds wide open.  Heaven’s brushing paints

Them.  Through them Jesus, singing gospel, speaks.

  Dead Sea philosophy is not where God

    Is found.  Pay close attention and be awed.

Phillip Whidden