There Are Masters and Then There Are Masters

There Are Masters and Then There Are Masters

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

  Photo of George Harrison by Gaur on Wikipedia

The moth’s desire for muzziness of moon

Looms large in some men’s minds.  They seem to think

That muddled paradox, that Indian rune

Philosophy, is fine because its link,

Its line goes back in mistiness.  That’s good

Enough for them.  They think that mystery

Because it speaks from in the neighborhood

Of ancient fuzz defies the history

Of logic.  Rationality ain’t best

And facts are stupid.  Beatles smoke their pot

And think that they have finished up their quest

For ancient wisdom.  Can you spot the blot?

  It’s not that magic mushrooms were not used.

    It’s more that logic’s masters were refused.

Phillip Whidden