The Tonic of Thought from Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

The Tonic of Thought from Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

Not all of thought is good, but thinking heals,

Or offers therapy.  The thinkers past

Give guidance in their scrolls and make appeals.

We find that we are hungry, so we cast

Our nets far wider.  Thoughts from yesterday

Are hauled up, silvery, shining, and we sort

Them when we get to shore.  A lot turn gray.

We throw them back, but some of them exhort.

From Meditations we select a few

That seem more common sense than like the brains

Of high philosophy filtrated through

Pedantic stoicism.  Higher planes

Of Platonism (all that jazz and more)

Are not required.  We choose from Marcus’ drawer.