The Threat and Weightiness Held in that Silver Divination Cup

The Threat and Weightiness Held in that Silver Divination Cup

   “let this cup pass from me” ~ Matthew 26:39

The brothers tore their robes.  Radiation

Of fatal force came throbbing from the cup.

Death and doom were theirs, not mediation.

The knife blade fate demanded slammed up, up

Through guts and chests and hearts.  They knew that love

Is pitiless.  Betrayal of it burst

Inside them finally.  They knew above

All else that love had ultimately cursed.

For decades they had carried guilt around

Because of what they did to Jacob’s son,

That one he loved  —  and retribution found

Them.  Benjamin they knew was now undone

Far worse than Joseph.  How could Jacob cope?

These thugs had not learned love must offer hope.