The Slither

The Slither

In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals on a wet, black bough.

~ Ezra Pound


Two Years Later

The eyes of shock remain

Electric sockets burnt out in the skull.


The beauty of man never disappears

But drives a blue car through the parking lot.

~ John Wieners


The stanzas of the parking lots and trains

Beneath the ground assert their claim to jilt

The Bashos of the world and say that gains

Are made by jettisoning both rhyme and lilt

For images alone.  A solitude

Results with pics (or sounds

Of screeching brakes thrown in), verse nude

Of other glories.  They are out of bounds

For stripped down verses.  Shakespeare is not good

Enough and Wordsworth is to blame.  Men’s speech

He said, the common talking phrases should

Subvert true beauty, suck it like a leech.

  That cures the ills of centuries of the tried

    And true.  Thus came the free verse fatal slide.

~ Phillip Whidden