The Poet Arrives in Havana (El poeta llega a la Habana)

The Poet Arrives in Havana (El poeta llega a la Habana)

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

Warning:  The video under this sonnet is not for the faint-hearted.

It seems when Lorca went to Cuba, he

Arrived in dreams and fantasy and not

In actuality.  This helps us see

Him through Surrealism, not the hot

Things through Havana.  He did not hear jazz

Upon a grand piano, woman in

A black sheath dress of sequins full of snazz

And heartbreak.  Donald did not offer sin

Of wine or girls or coffee.  Orchids did

Not line the streets, nor men who’d had their guts

Burned out, acetyline the flame, to bid

Their souls to heaven with pale blue fire cuts.

  A criminal was not garrotted by

    A cast iron bar constricting out his eye.


~ Phillip Whidden