The Novelist at the Supermarket Till

The Novelist at the Supermarket Till

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

He looks through men and women and he sees

Them not just outwardly but sees inside

Them like a CT scan.  His heart can tweeze

Out hidden medical conditions, pride

For instance.  Narrowly he X-rays them.

The men keep self zipped up inside their pants.

He sees how small they are.  A woman’s hem

He lifts. Pretending to be goodly aunts

Or teachers of young kids, this one or that,

A whore at night in bed, and not her man’s,

She wants her lovers to go splat, splat, splat

Up in her guts.  She wants the Thumb of Hans

To plug her hole.  She wants his hardened spike

But more she wants him to unplug her dyke.