The Greek Word “Muein” Says “Do Not Utter”

The Greek Word “Muein” Says “Do Not Utter”

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 


You keep your mouth shut till the moment comes

That mysticism enters you.  That light

Floods in until your inspiration thrums

Inside your silent throat.  As anchorite

You halt like Saul while scales dissolve away.

Satori sings, insidious, against

The dumbness life imposes.  Pictures sway

Until the poetry becomes condensed

And soul cannot control it.  Out truth flows

Because you meditated.  Silence held

The visions as that holiness which glows,

And, almost godly then, the poem is yelled.

  Still, do not open lips.  Don’t try to tell

    The others how you primed the deepest well.

Phillip Whidden