by phillipw | Jul 5, 2019 | UN
A Gold-like Necktie from the Metropolitan Museum of Art I’m wearing unicorns around my throat And near my heart. Of course they’re cream-like white, Though on their necks in gold fields where they float Are clasped wide collars of a red not bright As blood but darker,...
by phillipw | Jul 5, 2019 | VE
The Transit of Venus with a monarch’s voice Cry, “Havoc!” When Venus transits hairy torsos, she Impels much more than sweat in manly hearts. This goddess is a Viking on a spree Of killing, gone berserk. Her orbit charts A path...
by phillipw | Jul 5, 2019 | BA
Aleatory Melodies Are sonnets chancy music pieces, fey, More like a mistress in a corset when Victoria reigned? Do they lead astray As some silk-corseted comedienne Embarrasses with innuendo or Their saucy message. Are they like twelve-tone Sonatas rigidly...