The Encyclopedia Sonnetica

Rising and Setting

Rising and Setting As if the moon laced blood throughout the veins In all my smooth-skinned parts with shining dust Drawn off from her pocked seas; as if with pains She coaxed vast tides within my soul, caused lust Implacable as crater shapes to form Within my lunar...

Oval Loneliness: Two Versions

                 Oval Loneliness Is it the gravity of love that you So fear, which makes you take the comet’s way, A course that you have set careening through The spaces where companionless you sway In routes of brief encounters, your life tailed By...

Beyond Calton Road: Architecture and Love

     Beyond Calton Road: Architecture and Love The handsome streeets of Glasgow hide themselves Lest some conspiracy of tastelessness Combined with so-called progress pries and delves With jackhammers and bulldozers to mess Up...