The Computer Room Replaces the Bedroom

The Computer Room Replaces the Bedroom

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Men used to disappear in mistress ways,

Their mistresses agreeing that a wife

Was worth disdain.  While in the bedroom blaze

Of lust the man and mistress fizzed, felt life

Was perfect, overwhelming.  Then he pulled

His pants up, hugged and left.  All that has changed.

The wife no longer has to think she’s gulled

By other women.  Wives are now estranged

By screens.  The men get lost, head first, in porn.

That’s much less messy.  While the wife’s upstairs,

The men are lost in scenes.  The screens forewarn

About age limits, but the guys are lost in stares.

  When finished, men find tissues handy.  Wives

    Are not required.  Who needs them in our lives?

Phillip Whidden