The Brief Gate into Ecstasy

     The Brief Gate into Ecstasy

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

He raised his hands and wrists to Christ and all

The world was changed.  The evening worship paused

As if no God existed.  I, like Saul,

Was struck so forcibly that trauma caused

A blindness to the rest.  The world was mute

In spite of gospel music, mute as pine

Cores he had chopped that day and left just root

And stump.  We both believed and hours divine

Had settled on us.  Heaven’s deeps brought spring

To Sabbath air.  The evening star appeared

Inside the room as when that first man king

Was young, before he even dreamed of beard

And sin in Eden.  Love was wink-time old

Before I knew my destiny was told.