Students on Social Media Use Vast Satellite Networks to Message “Hi,” “Kool,” Smiley Faces and “Wassup?”

Students on Social Media Use Vast Satellite Networks to Message “Hi,” “Kool,” Smiley Faces and “Wassup?”


The epic paintings of the past have shrunk.

Their bloated size in Paris, and Madrid

Or Rome contains for most of folk just junk.

Their subject matter is forgotten.  Hid

From us by modern ignorance, so-called

Advanced e-knowledge — all such current stuff —

The content of the paintings is more sprawled

In front of clueless viewers so it’s tough

For them to like the paintings.  Epic verse

Is even more condemned to be ignored.

For people forced towards sonnets, even worse

Is heavy reading:   epics leave them bored.

  They maybe, if we’re lucky, read a meme.

    For them a mini-series is supreme.

Phillip Whidden