Stony Tsunamis

         Stony Tsunamis

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

The mountains jut and jostle. They outdo
Us in their lifespans, weight, and height, and size.
Their roots go deeper than a human crew
Can reach. Tectonic shoves spread mountain thighs.
The earth moves, shuddering as women can
In lust to grow more love. The lands grow, far
Apart, as continent and island clan
(As archipelago and chain) must jar

Away. White tops rise up and topple wide.
They fall to valleys and to seismic sea.
Time’s peaks soar out of oceans and collide
Long eons later. Doom and force agree.
..Crowned mountain ranges have their span and death.
…. Rocked mountains have a grinding, silent breath.