Some Keep a Glossolalia Sabbath (or Xenolalia Really Since Every Soul is Born into This One Natural Religion)

Some Keep a Glossolalia Sabbath (or    

 Xenolalia Really Since Every Soul is

Born into This One Natural Religion)


“Dickinson wrote that ‘While others go to Church, I go to mine, for are you not my Church, and have we not a Hymn that no one knows but us?’ She referred to him [Otis Phillips Lord] as ‘My lovely Salem’ and they wrote to each other religiously every Sunday. Dickinson looked forward to this day greatly; a surviving fragment of a letter written by her states that ‘Tuesday is a deeply depressed Day’”

~ “Emily Dickinson” ~ Wikipedia

Some keep the Sabbath going to Church –
I keep it, staying at Home –
With a Bobolink for a Chorister –
And an Orchard, for a Dome –

Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice –
I, just wear my Wings –
And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,
Our little Sexton – sings.    ~ Emily Dickinson

A Sabbath poem might be simply fey

And slightly sacrilegious, Horatian

In tone.  It might be frivolous and gay

About stupidities—the oration

From preaching pulpit, surplice, and a choir—

………………………….Amherst Church

But when you fall in love, your heart becomes

Hot hymns, you have a peace too like a fire,

And letter writing is your Faith.  The crumbs

That you might be rewarded with in church

Become the Feast of All the Dainties.  Christ

Goes off the guest list.  God, left in the lurch,

Is less than John Donne preaching.  In this heist

Of holiness the sacred tongues, given

Like Pentecost, are gold and flame and riven.

Phillip Whidden