Screwtape Messaging

        Screwtape Messaging


Never let a fool kiss you and never let a kiss fool you.

The oldest voice, the voice of open thighs,

Is part of whispering, shouting. urging need.

Ears hear it, almost, it’s so loud.  The eyes

May Braille it if they want to.  Written seed

Inside you sticks, intense, ambivalent.

It may not signal what your soul would want.

The gush of sperm is not equivalent

To silk romance. Those spurtings may not vaunt

An honesty devoted to you.  Walk

Among lust’s prehistoric ferns and feet

Will cause a sound but that will not be chock

Full up with firmness.  Love is not that neat.

  Red roses from a licking tongue have thorns.

    They may include a devil’s scarlet horns.

Phillip Whidden