Ritual and Stylization

Ritual and Stylization


Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

“There is no God and Mary is His Mother.” ~ George Santayana


“Some keep the Sabbath going to church” ~ Emily Dickinson


It doesn’t have to be a ritual

As stylized as the Roman Catholic lace

Upon a robe.  If it’s habitual,

Say every quarter of the year, the grace

In it is quite enough to save you in

Iniquity.  You stick your feet in bowls

And water and are sure your pride and sin

Are washed away afresh.  This whitens souls.

Besides, if that is not enough, the juice

In tiny cups is brought to lips and so

Your faults are cleansed.  Formality’s misuse

Will give you innocence with inner glow.

  The bready motions . . .   they will save you if

    You do them—guilt gone!—every little whiff.

Phillip Whidden