Rimbaud Lived at 165 Kings Road in Reading, Berkshire, from August to December, 1874

Rimbaud Lived at 165 Kings Road in Reading, Berkshire, from August to December, 1874

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Two times today he passed the mansion where

A tamed down Arthur Rimbaud stayed up in

CHT162719 Arthur Rimbaud (1854-91) in his Bed (oil on canvas by Rossman, Jef (19th Century)
oil on canvas
Private Collection
Archives Charmet
French, out of copyright

The attic.  Arthur didn’t even snare

Attention for a moment.  No cult sin

Was caused (because the passing one had things

To think about much more important than

A long dead acned kid).  Instead, the wings

Of poetry filled up grown thoughts.  This man

Was plotting out a sonnet he could write,

Creation Rimbaud would have sneered at, brat,

That Arthur.  Nobler than an attic height

This building disapproved the young one’s scat.

  The mansion, far more like a sonnet, soon

    Got rid of France’s hooligan, that goon.

Phillip Whidden