Rethink of Wordsworth—Recollection is the Point

Rethink of Wordsworth—Recollection is the Point

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

“I saw gods ascending out of the earth.”  1 Samuel 28:13

Tranquility is not the point.  The calm

In future shadows does not cause the twinge

Of poetry.  Raised blossoms cause the psalm.

Their color is what causes yellow tinge

Against the back wall of the skull.  That ghost

Of daffodils does haunting.  Feeling waits

For you to resurrect it.  You, the host,

Must conjure.  You alone will open gates.

You summon memories that mumble till

You make them serenade.  Your mind alone

Will cause the images you need to spill

Out words.  Then poetry will mount its throne.

  Emotion comes created in the mind

    Of readers. Lines rise up and cure the blind.

Phillip Whidden