Reflected Down on Africa

        Reflected Down on Africa

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

He built a white, moon garden on the edge,

That cliff down towards the Great Rift Valley’s floor.

White roses bloomed in curvings toward that ledge,

The curves like sails up on a ship of war

But filled with moonlight in the Kenyan scene.

These forms bowed fitting as the shapes of moons,

New, crescent, quarter, half.  The high pocked queen

Arced over blossoms.  In the afternoons

The flowers also shone.  The purpose though

Was lunar petals held up high could be

Revealed to porch of bungalow.  Their glow

Remained, a planted serendipity.

  Of course some contours arched like bongo horns

    Since lunar scars rank more like rosebush thorns.

Phillip Whidden