“Ready to be anything, in the ecstasy of being forever”

“Ready to be anything, in the ecstasy of being forever”

~ Sir Thomas Browne, Hydriotaphia

If we exist forever, well past time,

Mere time, our lives will be much fuller than

Our slim imaginations.  We will climb

Past Alpine heights, more star-like, than a man

On Everest or on Olympus Mons.

Immortal life will help us to become complete

Composers made as alloys, steel or bronze,

As high as Bach and Beethoven, the sum

Of them and Mozart also mixed in heat

For keyed perfection.  Or we might surprise

And be a full artistic sculptors suite

For long eternities of tasteful eyes.

  A Shakespeare, Homer, Petrarch all combined

    We might become, high writers nth refined.

Phillip Whidden