….. Pubescent Vector
Tom’s shoulders—knots of boyishness—were tied
By Jahweh when in Baden-Powell mood
But move in that white shirt where they must hide
(Required by dress-code rule, to make Tom good),
So they remain as veiled, as chaste, and tight
As virgins’ holes. Statistically, he thinks
Of virgins (or of holes—we don’t know quite
Which) every 90 seconds. His friend winks.
They both crack up and spill about with glee;
Then this spreads like a superbug of fun
So Mark, beside them, teeters giddily,
Gets tickled like a Brownie or a nun.
Tom’s lashes shut, a bliss of comfort. Lids
Enclose a moment of . . . just being kids.
~ Phillip Whidden