Psittacines Epiphany

             Psittacines Epiphany

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemp

orar Doug Janson, Wikicommons

Truth finds itself, if found, in one small patch

Of fur or feathers.  God or Zen resides

In one small creature.  Faiths attempt to scratch

Grandiloquent grand texts to be our guides

But we know better.  Focusing our love

On one fat infant, or a pet, a cat

Or parrot, we know well no god above

Is quite revealed by priest or acrobat

In Avila nun’s cell.  God’s right in front

Of us, is napping on our bed or pecks

At cuttlebone inside his cage, no hunt

Is needed, no vedantic scripture specs.

  The mystery is all this takes so long

    To hear inside our local temple gong.

Phillip Whidden