Prophetic Rendezvous

          Prophetic Rendezvous

Choose not to have God’s voice.  A dream is not

Enough.  He sometimes offers visions framed

In many-meaninged syllables, each fraught

With danger.  Scriptures must remain untamed

Or boredom fills us.  Bow to human need.

Leave behind you poetry, a trail of glow,

A Halley’s Comet tail.  Let sparkling breed

Return interpretations.  Kiss that beau

Of oval travels, gypsy-like, no groom.

A groom is knifeless.  You want more.  Desire

Is like an outer space conviction, plume

Of danger.  That is what you want, that fire.

  Dark corners are for others, not for you.

   You feel your solar flare is overdue.

Phillip Whidden

This image provided Wednesday, April 21, 2010 by NASA shows an eruptive prominence blasting away from the sun March 30, 2010 observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite. NASA on Wednesday unveiled the first images from the new satellite designed to predict disruptive solar storms, and scientists say they’re already learning new things. (AP Photo/NASA)