Primitive Prurient Prejudice

Primitive Prurient Prejudice

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

Excised from Jason’s crew, the greatest man

Among them disappeared to zero scale.

They sailed away without him.  In this ban

They saved the chance for Jason.  He was pale

(Or would have proved) if Herakles had not

Been left, abandoned by the Argonauts,

When he had lost the seriously hot

Young Hylas to the nymphs.  Arms rowed fast knots

Away from him and his distress.  We do

Not know why poets cut him from the verse.

Perhaps the straighter members of the crew

Just wanted Jason as their top—or worse,

They did not want a hero who desired

   Hercules and Hylas. Cornwall LGBT History Project 2016. Malcolm Lidbury c.JPG

A younger man’s haired parts to be admired.