Priming Your Pump at the Well

Priming Your Pump at the Well

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

Just one slight push and he slips into you.

Unspoken is this love, for who needs love

In words when there is love to spew?

You want a passion that is push and shove,

A rhythm that is sure, and then withdrawn,

With certainty of ramming back again,

Withdrawn with hot return, a thrust of brawn

Which promises as much as thoughtless pain.

Repeat, repeat, the rawness of this thing

That gives, then takes away, then gives, then goes,

But always aiming for delivering

That moment, slows, then speeds until it glows,

A glowing, painful, beautiful, in bursts,

Burst, BURST, that spasm, filling both your thirsts.