

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

“the Muses’ ancient home between the roots of Olympus and the sea;

to where

‘Pēneus rolls his fountains

Against the morning star’.” ~ F. L. Lucas, Greek Poetry, xxvii

From very roots our poetry and arts

Grow up and outward, widely, like an oak

Or like computer matrices with hearts.

No gods or geeks are needed to provoke

Our poems, paintings, novels, music’s phrase,

Our rangpur poems, bitter, tart and sweet,


Symphonic paintings swirled with piquant glaze,

Or novel’s sweep refusing to retreat

From truth, or music like a dragon’s fire

That flames from reptile lips and scaly fangs.

We do not need the muses to inspire.

We aim for coronary heaving pangs.

..Who needs the nymphs of rivers or a star

….When artists aim for tidal wave and scar?