Physics and Metaphysics
Clean Water and Black Hole Scars
Shizukasa wa kuri no ha shizumu shimizu kana
The quietness;
A chestnut leaf sinks
Through the clear water.
The simple, clear, transparent, and the pure
Are summed up in the silence of the dawn.
A perfect fallen leaf will long ensure
Its gemstones, soundless, when it settles on
The white sand bed beneath the pond. The want
Of sound refines the scene. It offers clear
Inspection of the colors there to haunt
The imperfections all around its sphere.
The see through is a milieu present past
Complexities like singularities
In unseen space. The see through offers vast
Scope, contra star particularities.
..The pond presents a shallow depth, a scene
….Compressed by level sunlight’s unheard sheen.