Perfect Chinese Calligraphy Brushed on Rice Paper Rolled with Pain like Disappearing Ink

Perfect Chinese Calligraphy Brushed on Rice Paper Rolled with Pain like Disappearing Ink

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

I wrote you ivory letters, alphabets

Of love, more beautiful than hieroglyphs

Of Cleopatra.  Passioned-filled regrets

Are items more like suicide’s own cliffs,

Though.  Mildest colors carved from bones or tusks

Betray the purpose, do not really fit

The genre.  They are more like white-bread rusks

Not baked enough.  They seem to be a kit

For making floats for Mardis Gras of gray

And beige.  I tried to hold back evil hues,

Not using stallion’s snort or strangled neigh

And ended sounding like a bruised chartreuse.

  I failed to write “forever” made of gasps.

    Instead I wrote in scalded plastic hasps.

Phillip Whidden