Pathetic Skin, Flesh, “Brain”

Pathetic Skin, Flesh, “Brain”

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

Today already, twice, I’ve seen two pics
Of tattoos with dickhead spelling mistakes.
One says . . . “Musle Healing.” The dopy dicks

Who choose these ignorances are like flakes
Of dandruff from a Muscle Mary’s head.
The second one says that love is “creul.”

Now that is wisdom, better left unsaid
Though in this dumbo fashion, this “jewel”
Of foolishness. Imagine needles that
Tried Latin mottoes, or tried verse in Greek
From Archilochus, tattoos for a prat.
It almost makes me want to shout out, “Eek!”
..(I grumble maybe men with little brain
….Should be allowed a tattooed stupid stain.)