Paradox of Coleridge’s Liberty

Paradox of Coleridge’s Liberty

“the sacred river, ran

Through caverns measureless to man

                                   Down to a sunless sea.”

~Coleridge, “Kubla Khan”

“Art submits itself to law in order that freedom may be brought out by contrast.”

~ R. H. Blyth

The poet wrote, “The furrow followed free.”

How to plough a field – basic instructions (

A paradox in “free” arises.

Cruise Ship Wake – Most Relaxing View in the World (

Aren’t free.  They have no self-willed liberty,

No more than his chthonic written caves

And river knew true freedom.  In the clause

With “followed free” a contradiction leaps

Against the notion.  This is clear because

To follow is to give up will.  Plough keeps

The furrow from true freedom.  F F F

Is strict alliteration.  Everywhere

Is paradox.  You have to be tone deaf

To miss this fact.  It’s more like thudding glare.

   The measures are not measureless.  Their beat

     Means only poets mold the balance sheet.

Phillip Whidden