Narcissus Saw Himself Only Once

Narcissus Saw Himself Only Once

“Due to the poor quality, high cost, and small size of these ancient glass
mirrors, solid metal-mirrors primarily of steel were usually preferred until the
late nineteenth century.” ~Wikipedia, “Mirror”

I wonder if improvements in the way
That mirrors show us beauty in our youth
Have changed our basic makeup. Has their sway
Distorted us like far too much vermouth?
If we are shown from adolescent years
How beautiful we are, then how can we

Now, in the age of photos’ new frontiers,
Resist the iPhone loveliness we see?
Until Rococco times no human saw

Himself or herself as all others did.
Oils made young Dorian stand in awe—
And look at what that accomplished. God forbid.
When I see young’ uns posting selfie snaps,
I want the destruction of those goddam apps.