Nail Prints in the Hands

   Nail Prints in the Hands

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

“He who studies gains something every day; he who follows the Way, loses something every day.”  ~ Rôshi

The Christ and Francis of Assisi go

Much further.  Saint and Christ hand others all.

The father of the saint gave him the woe

Of charging him in court, a churchly brawl.

The saint removed the clothes that father had

Provided him and stood stripped nude with Christ.

The saint lost clothes and father, all the bad

Things life had given him.  One gesture sliced

The man from evil and turned out a Saint.

(Sell all you have and give it to the poor,

Said Jesus to the Rich Young Ruler.  Taint

Not soul.)  The Saint became a force majeure.

  The Buddha and resultant Zen resign

    The world and make of nothingness their shrine.

Phillip Whidden