Mrs. Lindon and Beyond the Veil

Mrs. Lindon and Beyond the Veil

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

  Fanny Brawne, later Mrs. Lindon

Avoiding ghost temptations to go through

The curtain made of voile of silk between

The living and the other side, to you

Where you are, she pretends that heaven’s sheen

Surrounds you now.  This helps her camouflage

The truth about the man who sleeps beside

Her here.  This turns you into a mirage,

At best, especially when he has pried

Her thighs apart, the second man, who fills

Her bed and guts.  She likes to think that on

The side of death where you are, current thrills

From him inside are like a sinless dawn.

  A séance might destroy this sly pretense

    In heart.  She seldom thinks of penitence.

Phillip Whidden