Moon Garden in Kenya

         Moon Garden in Kenya

The half-moon had a nightmare.  Lovebirds bashed

Around inside their cage set up beside

The Great Rift Valley.  Thorns of roses slashed

The air despite their pure white blooms.  A bride

(That dark-haired spider) ate her husband fresh

From sex.  The cactus on the fence above

The cliff felt someone grabbing at its flesh

Despite the spines.  The thief knew greedy love

Despite the prickles, thieving white-flower plant

Away beneath the moon.  A cat went slinking by

While lizards with swelled throats began to pant

Their fear of fangs in spite of swivelling eye.

  A black-skinned lover slipped away from white

    Man’s selfishness.  The sky ignores wide blight.

Phillip Whidden