Midnight Madness and Daybreak

   Midnight Madness and Daybreak

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Our dreams swell up inside our outer brains,

The upper, mantle layers.  Then we see

Vanilla visions in our beds.  Sight stains

Enough sometimes that in our wakings we

Grip glimmers of them as a prophet might.

These helmet revelations from a realm

In wing-like regions come to us at night.

Our nightmares spew like spasms, overwhelm

From lower empires.  Sunshine turns to clouds

And they congeal to weeds or worse, wolfbane

Or hemlock.  Breathing gulps to gasps in shrouds.

Our Abels fall to cudgeling by Cain.

  A sweat of fright in armpits rages on

    Until a wafer savior comes with dawn.

Phillip Whidden