Men Live in a Maze of Muddles

       Men Live in a Maze of Muddles

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

You summon the light that rests on the brow,
not reaching the mouth or the heart of man.
~ Lorca, “Ode to Salvador Dalí” (Oda a Salvador Dalí)

Please don’t speak felt. Men never make pretense

That there is difference in between the brain

And heart when heart is metaphor.  No sense

Can come from this.  At very least a stain

From feeling must spill out in mind and smear

The ganglia behind the brow, tangled

As grabbing at each other.  More a blear

Than separation blends that truth.  Mangled

Each one boggles.  When the mouth involves

Itself, the tongue intensifies the mess.

The mixture like an acid bath dissolves

Division.  Black light confusions fluoresce.

  Surrealism like a hook in gills

    Delivers mostly meaningless’s thrills.

Phillip Whidden