Love’s Unreliable Astrolabe

          Love’s Unreliable Astrolabe

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

A rose is like an astrolabe if you

Will use it wisely.  Let it find the stars

You want to lick beyond earth’s lowering blue.

Allow the instrument to read memoirs

That you have lost from past encounters, lost

Through carelessness as great as others piled

On you.  Permit the flower to find the glossed

Forgotten comet ways that Venus filed

Away from love, the constellations’ flight

Away from heart’s contentment.  Sightings made

With crimson petals may give piercing height

To findings, save you from where stumblings strayed.

  The astrolabe is thorny, though.  Be sure

    To check it.  Mathematics cannot cure.

Phillip Whidden