Leviticus 11:19

               Leviticus 11:19

I’m really tempted–ain’t you?–to eat bats.
I mean, they’d be so succulent with all
Those bugs they’ve munched, more delicate than rats
On palate, right?  Yep.  Those fly-flavored, small
Bones inside that furry wing would be so
Delicious, yeah?  Of course, I’d rather chew
Those long, hard, scaly, fishy, stalking, slow
Death legs of storks or herons, wouldn’t you?
But most of all it’s hoopoes heads I’d love

By Artemy Voikhansky – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32675550

To grab, yes, grasp that lovely, prideful fan
And wring its struggling, squawking neck above
Those black and white barred wings.  No wonder man
Received proscriptions from Jehovah not
To eat’ em.  God’s law really hit the spot.