Just Being Yourself, According to Your Nature

Just Being Yourself, According to Your Nature

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

I’m sorry, Henry David.  Pleasure for

You differs from the pleasures of the rest,

But . . . pleasure’s pleasure.  At your cabin door

Your evening gives you solitary, blessed

And deep pond comfort.  As the moon comes up

You think, “Now that’s my moon,” or if some rain

Begins to fall with dusk, you take a cup

Of coffee in your hand and hear your brain.

Your philosophic mind made choices that

You wanted.  Your ascetic nature meant

That they were good.  You do not need to chat.

You might love loneliness inside a tent.

  You’re doing what you want out there alone.

    The pleasures of the others you disown.

Phillip Whidden